TOPSENS LLC joins the UN Global Compact


In August 2023, the psychological assistance center TOPSENS LLC became a Participant of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest community of responsible businesses. The company pledged to adhere to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in four areas: human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

TOPSENS LLC is a psychological assistance center that provides professional support to people in need of diverse psychological assistance. Taking care of the mental health of Ukrainians and helping them find a way out of crises is the goal of the center. The company’s headquarters is located in Kyiv.

The strategic focus of TOPSENS LLC is to provide highly professional psychological assistance to those who require it. The center works with the following requests:

  • self-knowledge with the help of a specialist;
  • overcoming difficulties in communication;
  • work with low self-esteem;
  • midlife crisis and other age-related problems;
  • emotional dependence in relationships;
  • stress, depression, anxiety, obsessive fears;
  • psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • aggression and auto-aggression;
  • increased feelings of guilt;
  • conflicts and lack of understanding in families;
  • betrayal, jealousy, divorce;
  • children in a situation of parental divorce;
  • conflicts with children, conflicts with parents;
  • psychology of adolescents;
  • polygraph testing.

The company has been present in the Ukrainian market for 17 years. And for all these years, TOPSENS has been cooperating with the psychological community and the community of clients/patients and supporting the psychological movement in Ukraine.

“Joining the UN Global Compact means for us to show once again that we are ready to continue to take care of the mental health of Ukrainians. We want to be a true partner for the citizens of our country,” says Yehor Topolov, Doctor of Psychology, founder and head of the TOPSENS center.

As a member of the UN Global Compact, TOPSENS has committed to working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, such as good health, quality education, peace and justice, and partnership for sustainable development.

The company sees its mission as ensuring the mental health and well-being of people and helping them maintain their psychological balance. To realize this, the company adheres to the following postulates in its work: 

A professional psychologist, like a priest, is obliged to keep the secret of “confession”; A professional psychologist, like a lawyer, is obliged to do everything to protect his/her patient; A professional psychologist, as a doctor, is obliged to make every effort to restore mental health and the will to live for his/her patient.

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