Anti-Corruption Collective Action

In September 2020, UN Global Compact Ukraine joined the international Anti-Corruption Collective Action program. This platform open for participation to a wide range of stakeholders.

Corruption poses a significant challenge not only at the governmental level but also within the business sector. Corruption comes at a high cost to any business – it hinders its growth, damages its reputation, and adds approximately 10% to the expenses of doing business. The World Bank has stated that “corruption has become a trillion-dollar industry.”

The UN Global Compact has initiated collective actions against corruption within local networks supported by the Siemens Integrity Initiative Third Funding Round. This project aims to support collective actions of local networks and to promote cooperation between public and private sectors in combating corruption. Its goal is not only to avoid bribery, extortion and other forms of corruption, but also to proactively develop policies and concrete programmes to address corruption internally and within their supply chains.

Our work within Anti-Corruption Collective Action:

Work against corruption is one of the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, that should underpin the work of every business is the fight against corruption. The Anti-Corruption Collective Action Initiative aims to increase business transparency and strengthen public-private cooperation to combat corruption in Ukraine.


Within the program UN Global Compact Network Ukraine has launched video course “Anti-corruption” for small or medium-sized business. It helps develop the principles of honest work of small and medium-sized enterprises, without which it is impossible to be a link in the supply chain of large Ukrainian and international companies. The inclusion of these principles in the work of small and medium-sized businesses is also a guarantee of a healthy economy of Ukraine. Watch video course via:


The course was developed with the informational support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office. The video course has 5 modules, each lasting 5-8 minutes, ensuring fast and effective learning. The anti-corruption recommendations are based on the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) Model Anti-Corruption Program for Legal Entities and the UN Global Compact’s Guide to Collective Action Against Corruption, as well as other provisions of international law. More than 50 Ukrainian experts from the private and public sectors contributed to the report.


UN Global Compact Ukraine installed an anti-corruption cube, which symbolizes the personal responsibility of each of us for the existence of the phenomenon of corruption in Ukrainian society. Every smallest bribe creates prerequisites for tolerating corruption at the highest levels. Therefore, overcoming corruption begins with the personal rejection of it in private life.


UN Global Compact Ukraine has released a handbook titled “Fighting Against Corruption: Collective Action,” which provides recommendations for SMEs on combating corruption in supply chains.



UNGC Network Ukraine also hosts annual Anti-Corruption Days aimed at promoting business transparency, preserving their integrity and resilience. To achieve this, the UN Global Compact Ukraine invites Ukrainian companies advocating for human rights to discuss the best practices and initiatives for combating corruption and advancing human rights as integral components on the path to Ukraine’s recovery.


UN Global Compact Ukraine launched a Memorandum on Joint Anti-Corruption Actions in Ukraine, which has reached 36 signatories from companies and non-governmental organizations declaring their support for increasing the level of transparency and integrity in the Ukrainian business environment.


As part of the anti-corruption program, a series of publications titled “Business Integrity Lessons from a War Zone” has been launched, where experts from both the private and public sectors provide advice on conducting business transparently in situations of uncertainty.

In June 2022, our anti-corruption initiative became t
he winner of the inaugural Anti-Corruption Collective Action Awards 2022 in the the category of Inspirational Newcomer.

During the war, the Anti-Corruption Program of UNGC Ukraine shifted its focus towards responding to corruption risks during the full-scale Russian invasion. Alongside our partners, we are implementing the following projects:

  • Task Force for developing recommendations on business integrity during wartime.
  • Analysis of corruption risks within humanitarian aid provision and development of measures for their minimization.
  • Providing anti-corruption expertise on government acts and reforms during the war.



Daria Ruban
Anti-Corruption Collective Action Programme Coordinator


Business Integrity Lessons from a War Zone View

Project news