Workshop “Human Rights Due Diligence in Wartime”


The UN Global Compact Ukraine, together with UNDP Ukraine, is organizing a workshop “Human Rights Due Diligence in Wartime.”

In order to identify, prevent and mitigate the risks of human rights abuses in business and to operate in line with European requirements, it is important for Ukrainian businesses to understand and practice human rights due diligence.

The reality of life during the war has shown that it is important for Ukrainian businesses to be resilient to challenges and have effective risk management systems. At the same time, the war has heightened attention to business statements on human rights and their implementation in practice: in working with teams, clients, partners and communities.

Why is this important? Human capital is the lifeblood of any organization. Businesses operate by and for their people. Respecting human rights isn’t just the ethical imperative; it’s the cornerstone of sustainable and resilient businesses, especially during crises. This commitment strengthens a company’s reputation, attracts and retains top talent, and fosters trust with customers.

Join the workshop to learn about:

  • existing UN and OECD standards, as well as new EU legislation on corporate human rights due diligence and how to apply them in complex contexts;
  • integration of human rights due diligence into the company’s activities: what policies should be in place, how to integrate the procedure at the operational level, what resources are needed for this;
  • experience of applying heightened human rights due diligence in the work of Ukrainian and international companies;
  • due diligence in working with partners in terms of human rights;
  • the biggest risks to human rights in business during the war;
  • the difference in approaches between due diligence in peacetime and wartime and how the context shapes the request for heightened due diligence procedure.

Among the invited experts of the workshop:

  • Olena Uvarova, Head of the International Laboratory for Business and Human Rights, Co-President of the Global Association for Business and Human Rights Studies, UNDP International Expert on Business and Human Rights. 
  • Vladyslava Kaplina, Eastern Europe/Central Asia Research Assistant of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre.
  • Irena Fedorovych, an advocate at Fight for Right, an expert at the Ukrainian Corporate Equality Index, a trainer and consultant on respect for diversity.

The workshop will take place on June 25th, from 15:00 to 18:00 in Kyiv. The exact location will be announced to registered participants. The number of participants is limited. 


This event is organized by a team of experts from the UN Global Compact Ukraine in partnership with the Social Action Center, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine within the framework of the Business and Human Rights Accelerator and the project “Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains: Leveraging the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights for a Just Recovery”, financed by the Government of Japan.

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