Apply for the Partnership for Sustainability Award 2023!


Partnership for Sustainability Award is an annual international campaign in which the UN Global Compact Ukraine celebrates the best projects implemented in partnership between business, government, and civil society and aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goals, protecting the environment, solving social challenges, and promoting peace.

The award was founded in 2018. Its goal is to unite stakeholders around Global Goal 17 — “Partnership for Goals”. The award is held annually. The exception was in 2022, the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Today, we all realize the value of partnership as never before. Ukraine has confronted Russian aggression, just as the world has united to help Ukrainians withstand the struggle.

The campaign Partnership for Sustainability Award is international. In past years the award united over 300 representatives from Ukraine, Germany, Poland, North Macedonia, Georgia, and Turkey. The international community is doing a lot to support Ukrainians today, and UNGC Ukraine wants to recognize the best practices.

Who can apply for the award?

  1. Participants of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine. The project submitted for the competition from Ukraine must be implemented by a business, NGO, or local government in partnership with another stakeholder.
  2. Representatives of European countries and UK. To apply for the competition, please submit your project that is being implemented by a company, a non-governmental organization or a local government in partnership with another stakeholder. We want to recognize the most exciting sustainable projects that can inspire other companies. If your case is dedicated to helping Ukraine in times of war, it will be an added advantage.

How to apply?

We accept applications in the following categories:

  • PEACE. Assistance to defenders of Ukraine, first aid to civilians affected by military operations, and human rights protection.
  • PLANET. Minimizing the environmental impact of hostilities, green innovations, biodiversity protection, water conservation, and purification.
  • PROSPERITY. Rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure, overcoming the consequences of the hostilities for the economy, and fighting corruption.
  • PEOPLE. Promoting inclusiveness, quality education, cultural diversity, gender equality, and healthcare.

Please fill out the form by September 15:

An international expert jury will evaluate the contestants’ projects.

The announcement of winners and Partnership for Sustainability Award ceremony will take place on October 17, 2023, in Kyiv in a hybrid format, considering the security situation.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

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