KPMG Progress Report 2021-2022


KPMG in Ukraine, being a part of the KPMG global network, for 12 years has been a member of the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative – the UN Global Compact.

In 2021, KPMG International initiated the annual reporting that combines and presents data on the collective ESG commitments of the independent KPMG firms (143 network members) that make up KPMG International – Our Impact Plan.

KPMG in Ukraine shares global values and works to implement them in Ukraine, acting within the actual circumstances and challenges.

KPMG’s corporate culture is based on values, with Integrity being the key one. Adherence to principles and a policy of open and honest communication foster trust and cooperation. However, flexibility and the desire to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities allow the company to create an environment where people can share their knowledge and experience freely, unlocking each other’s potential”, emphasizes Olena Makarenko, Partner, Consulting, Head of Forensic and Sustainability, KPMG in Ukraine.

KPMG in Ukraine has published its Progress Report for 2021-2022, which discloses information about the projects and activities of the company in four key pillars.


In 2022, KPMG Ukraine integrated into the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) subregion. Today, the company is working to improve its internal policies in line with current standards of ethical and responsible business.

KPMG in Ukraine is also involved in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: a team of KPMG professionals participated in drafting the sections of the Plan for the recovery of the economic, environmental, energy and digitalization sectors, presented at the international Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) in Lugano, Switzerland.


People are the key asset and core value of the company. In 2022, the company prioritized ensuring the physical safety of its employees and sustaining their efficiency and performance amidst challenging times of war. Notably, KPMG in Ukraine has achieved the global KPMG network’s goal of maintaining 33% representation of women in director and partner positions for two consecutive years (2021-2022).

The planet

We share a common responsibility to preserve a safe environment, fight climate change and ensure a sustainable future for the planet.

The report of KPMG in Ukraine describes how KPMG professionals estimated the carbon footprint of an event held as part of the Yalta European Strategy (YES) in 2021 for the first time in Ukraine. This event became the first carbon-neutral event in Ukraine.

In addition, the KPMG team in Ukraine conducted a detailed analysis of the impact of the CORSIA program on Ukrainian civil aviation and the prospects for carbon market development.


As a socially responsible business, KPMG in Ukraine actively contributes to community prosperity. It generates employment, offers intellectual and financial support to the economy, promotes sustainable business development, and invests in charitable and volunteering activities. Since 2022, KPMG staff has collaborated with UNESCO to drive educational system reform and support initiatives for internally displaced young people affected by the war.

We, as a company, are on an important path to building a responsible, caring society in Ukraine on its way to European integration. Our report is not the final destination of the journey, but a snapshot of our activities, an opportunity to review our achievements and move forward, to improve ourselves and help others to make a difference in society,commented Andriy Tsymbal, Managing Partner, KPMG in Ukraine.

For more detailed information on KPMG in Ukraine’s progress towards Sustainable Development Goals, refer to the Progress Report 2021-2022.

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