Take сare of your employees with Mental Help


Investing in the well-being of your employees is not just about caring for their mental health; it’s also a strategic decision to enhance your business’s efficiency and productivity. Creating a healthy psychological climate positively impacts the company’s reputation and helps attract and retain top talent.

Mental Help is a platform that offers professional psychological support and a variety of tools for collaboration with organizations. We assist companies in creating a positive environment where both people and businesses can thrive together.

Partnering with Mental Help opens up new opportunities to strengthen your company’s social responsibility and improve the well-being of your employees. Together, we make an important contribution to improving the mental health of Ukrainians, which positively affects social stability and societal development.

The Mental Help project was launched in March 2022 in response to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Since then, we have conducted over 19,000 consultations for more than 4,000 Ukrainians. 89% of our clients have reported reduced stress levels and increased motivation for life and work after collaborating with our psychologists.

Our Services:

  • Individual Consultations: Personalized psychological support for each employee.
  • Group Sessions: Development of teamwork skills and personal growth.
  • Crisis Support: Prompt consultations to resolve conflict situations.
  • Lectures and Training on Mental Health: Available both online and offline, including interactive sessions with practical exercises for stress reduction.

Our programs help your employees find the internal resources needed to overcome challenges and maintain a high level of productivity.

Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about how we can support you and your team.

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