The UN Global Compact Network Ukraine is the Ukrainian network of the world’s largest community of responsible businesses UN Global Compact. It is the official representative of the United Nations Global Compact, the one and only UN initiative with a mission to call on the company to build its activities and strategy taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals and aligning their activities and strategies with the Ten Principles of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
The UN Global Compact has 24,419 companies in 167 countries, and 149 of them are participants of the Ukrainian Network.
We are a team of experts in the ESG area.
As a dialogue and learning platform for achieving sustainable development, we facilitate dialogue between business, investors, civil society, labor organizations, local governments and governments.
By joining the UN Global Compact, you are taking an important public step towards transforming our world through responsible business. Being part of the UNGC demonstrates your values and benefits both society and your company’s long-term success.